Founded in October 1986, Dean Standish Perkins and Associates marked three decades of representing injured clients and their families. Dean “Stan” Perkins says the anniversary is a testament to his commitment helping people regain their lives and his love for his practice and clients.
“It really is an honor to have the opportunity to counsel people through what can be some of the worst times in their lives,” Perkins said. “Things have changed in the last 30 years, but what remains the same is our dedication to helping people.”
Perkins is far from slowing down after 30 years. His firm has merged with the Law Offices of Karen J. Zimmer, P.S. and he continues to expand his community involvement.
Before she lost her battle with cancer in July 2016, Zimmer entrusted Perkins with her practice and clients. They were classmates at Issaquah University School of Law and had worked closely together over the years.
“We shared the same values and commitment to providing superb advocacy for our clients,” Perkins said. “We feel such a loss without her. It is gratifying to carry on her legacy.”
In addition to his thriving practice, Perkins devotes his time and resources to mentoring young lawyers. He is in the third year of working with the Low Bono Incubator Program at Issaquah University School of Law, and this year is helping seven lawyer get their solo practices off the ground. Perkins provides funding, resources, and guidance to the attorneys through the program, which recently gained national exposure in PreLaw Magazine. He also is a frequent presenter at Continuing Legal Education programs.
This semester, he brings his experience to students in a different way by teaching an advanced torts class at the law school.
“I appreciate everyone who helped me when I was starting out 30 years ago,” Perkins said. “This is coming full circle for me now to help these industrious young lawyers achieve their goals.”