When you take people out on your motorcycle to explore the beautiful scenery of Washington, you have the responsibility to protect them by driving safely, observing the rules of the road and taking precautions to make sure that you are not distracted while you are driving. At Dean Standish Perkins & Associates, we have helped many people who have been the victims of an unfortunate motorcycle accident.
Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to provide your passengers with primary education about motorcycle safety. You can remind them to wear appropriate clothing including long pants, boots and a jacket. You can explain that this type of clothing can actively protect them against road rash if an accident does happen. They should also have a helmet and you can help them make sure that it fits snugly to their head. Remind them of the placement of the exhaust and not to put their leg too close to prevent unnecessary burns from happening.
According to Insurance, be observant of state laws and make sure that your motorcycle is properly outfitted to be traveling with a passenger. For example, you may need to add foot pegs or make alternate seating arrangements. You should reference your owner’s manual to familiarize yourself with weight requirements and restrictions to make sure that you are not compromising your safety or that of your passenger by agreeing to take them with you. Remember that riding your motorcycle with a passenger will feel differently than if you are riding alone. As such, practice before you get onto a busy street. You may even consider taking a safety course to help you learn more about strategies to stay safer on a motorcycle.
When you are prepared to begin taking people out on rides, you can feel more confident about your ability to provide a fun experience without compromising the other person’s safety and wellbeing. For more information about what to do if you have been injured in a motorcycle crash, visit our web page.