Personal Injury Triage – The Dean Standish Perkins’ Way

by | Aug 29, 2019 | Injuries

Imagine that the facts of your case – you were rear-ended and the insurance company refuses to pay, your neck hurts and you’ve had to see your doctor three times since you got hit – are individual vehicles in a 10-car pile-up on I-5 N, and everyone in them is awaiting medical attention. The ambulances pull up, and the able and experienced EMTs rush out. They run from patient to patient, assessing the medical treatment each patient needs and determining who, based on severity, they must help first.

To the able and experienced lawyers at Dean Standish Perkins & Associates, your personal injury case looks much the same. When you walk in our door with the separate facts of your case, we will talk with you and immediately assess your situation. Our experienced attorneys can triage your case at the initial meeting and offer an immediate, effective plan of action. We assess three major areas.

1) Insurance. We investigate any and all applicable insurance, not only from the negligent driver but also from the driver’s employer and/or the car owner. Your own auto insurance and health insurance may apply as well. If there is applicable insurance, we will find it.

2) Liability. We determine who’s at fault. The other driver may not be the only at fault party. If the road was poorly designed, the city, state or county may be at fault. We look for all possible at fault entities to insure you receive compensation from everyone who played a role in your injury.

3) Damages. If you have medical bills or lost wages, you are entitled to reimbursement. The attorneys at Dean Standish Perkins & Associates go way beyond those factors to identify damage. If you endure ongoing pain that interferes with your daily activities, social life or relationships, we identify and quantify these damages to maximize the insurance company’s understanding of what you’ve gone through.

We believe at looking at the big picture. You want to get back to work, back to health and back to your normal life. Of course we will help you get reimbursed for immediate expenses, like rental car charges, while at the same time working to maximize your long-term recovery. Our triage system allows us to efficiently to diagnose your case with accuracy and care. We’ll analyze the components of your case, gather the materials and give the insurance company all the information it needs to fully assess your case to maximize your recovery.

We believe in triage: taking smart, efficient and decisive action on your case. Our thirty-plus years of experience allow us to efficiently and effectively assess the separate parts of your case to determine how to move forward to the best outcome.


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