Helping your family member adapt to a physical disability

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2020 | Injuries

When you receive the news that your family member has been involved in a tragic accident in Washington that has resulted in serious injuries, it may seem as though all of the ambitions that were once a part of his or her future are now unreachable. 

However, physical disabilities certainly do not have to dictate how much enjoyment and fulfillment your loved one gets out of life. Your ability to help him or her transition into life with disabilities may be able to provide unparalleled support that you may never quite know the impact of. 

Allow time to grieve 

While it may be your first instinct to reassure your family member that it will all be okay, allow adequate time for grieving to happen. Acknowledge the emotions that are being experienced and interject where appropriate to provide encouragement and hope. You may consider suggesting professional therapy to your loved one to provide added support and insight into coping with strong emotions that are related to the recognition of his or her physical limitations. 

Provide resources 

One excellent way that you can provide support and help your loved one adapt to his or her physical disability is by providing resources to make living life more comfortable and hopeful. For example, you can research to find local support groups, where your loved one can hear the stories and feel the motivation of other members of the disabled community. You can also look for and suggest tools that can be used to make life more functional and efficient. According to, your loved one may be more successful at learning to live with a disability when steps are taken to minimize its impact. 

Your ability to provide support without patronizing your loved one can encourage positive ownership of physical limitations and recognition of the potential life still holds. For more information, if someone you know has been severely injured, visit our web page. 


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