What home modifications should you consider in your post-accident life?

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2020 | Injuries

Serious accidents can result in devastating, life-long conditions that can impact an entire family. Injuries such as paralysis, amputation or brain damage might require surgery, a lengthy hospital stay and physical therapy. In general, these severe injuries will likely require some level of home modification to ensure the comfort and ease of use of the victim. Unfortunately, victims will not only struggle with the emotional toll of a life-changing injury but can also face overwhelming financial trouble.

Primarily, you must determine what your new normal is. Changes to movement, flexibility and maneuverability must be considered when deciding on any home alterations. Take into account if your physical therapy is designed to make significant improvements or help you operate efficiently with your new limitations.

After you assess your space and needs, there are numerous modifications to consider, including:

  • Do you need to install handrails along ramps, stairs, in the bathroom or next to the bed?
  • Do stairs need to be replaced with ramps or the installation of a motorized conveyance?
  • Were tripping hazards identified and removed?
  • Can lights be fitted with motion sensors or easily reachable switches?
  • Are there non-slip surfaces in the kitchen or bathroom?
  • Do doors need to be outfitted with easier to operate handles?

It is wise to work with both a trusted medical professional as well as an experienced personal injury lawyer after a serious accident. While the insurance carrier might offer what seems like a strong settlement, your attorney can negotiate these types of extended expenses and fight for your fair financial treatment. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your injuries, your prognosis and concerns you might have as you adapt to your post-accident life.


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