Stay safe when driving over icy Washington bridges

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2021 | Car Accidents

Navigating bridges in icy conditions is one of the most hazardous elements of winter driving. Unfortunately, many motorists in the Issaquah area are unaware of the dangers present on an ice-covered bridge. Most people tend to drive on bridges the same way they do other driving surfaces, without paying extra attention to possible hazards.

Why are bridges so dangerous in icy conditions?

A bridge is exposed to freezing air on all surfaces as the wind flows across the top, bottom and sides. By comparison, a road at ground level experiences airflow across the top only. Exposure to cold air on all sides makes the surface temperature of bridges a few degrees colder than other road surfaces.

Ice tends to develop on these colder surfaces much faster than it does on warmer driving surfaces. When vehicles move from a road to an icy bridge at regular speeds, they can spin or lose control, resulting in car accidents. The most practical safety tips for navigating an icy bridge are to slow down and be careful.

Watch out for other vehicles on a bridge

Although you can improve your safety and possibly avoid dangerous car accidents by practicing caution, others might not be so safety minded. Always keep your eyes on other cars and trucks when approaching, crossing and exiting a bridge.

If another driver ignores hazardous conditions and collides with your car, consider getting legal assistance to prove that the other driver caused the car accident. Proving that negligence caused the accident (and your injuries) improves your ability to obtain compensation from insurance companies. Showing that you played no part in the crash can also help if you decide to file an injury lawsuit against the at-fault party.


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