
Get The Help You Need As A New Law Firm Manager

The landscapes of law and business are competitive and complex. You should not try to launch and operate your own legal business alone. As a young attorney or recent graduate, you need all the help you can get.

At Dean Standish Perkins & Associates, we understand the challenges you are facing. That is why our lead attorney, Dean Standish “Stan” Perkins, has partnered with his alma mater, the Seattle University School of Law, to assist with the school’s Incubator Program. This is a program designed specifically to help recent graduates start their own solo and small firm practices in the area. This program is a tremendous support for eligible attorneys.

Support In Starting And Operating Your Legal Business

The law is a professional practice, to be sure, but it is also a business. Even if you are opening a solo practice, there is no wisdom in going solo on the business side of your legal practice. The surest path to long-term success is to surround yourself with mentors and other supportive, knowledgeable allies. The simple fact is that law school does a great job of preparing students for the practice of law, but it is not a business school. Most recent graduates and young lawyers lack the knowledge and experience needed to launch and maintain a successful legal business.

We understand this challenge. Through the Incubator Program, Stan helps young lawyers go through checklists for starting their legal practices and helps them understand the various complications and challenges involved. Issues like marketing, real estate and office space issues, employment law matters and various contractual concerns arise with frequency when starting a new business. Stan can help you.

Support In Your Practice

In addition to the help we can provide in starting and operating your business, we also help Incubator Program members with their practices. We know the law and can help you understand some of the legal challenges you face. Stan also serves as co-counsel on complex personal injury cases for young attorneys. If you have a case involving serious brain injuries or other catastrophic injuries, or a personal injury claim that is more complicated, it is important to have the help of a senior attorney who can help make sure everything is handled appropriately.

Personally Tailored Help From An Experienced Lawyer

The most important aspect of the Incubator Program is that it is not a generic, one-size-fits-all program pushing through high numbers of students. It is a personally-tailored mentorship with your success as its highest goal.

If you are a recent graduate of the Seattle University School of Law and are considering opening your own practice, talk to attorney Dean Standish “Stan” Perkins. Call us at 206-981-5043 or email us today.