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With all of the resources available online covering personal injury law and motorcycle accidents, there is still some incorrect information floating around. The Issaquah motorcycle accident attorneys at Dean Standish Perkins & Associates have compiled some of the most common misconceptions about motorcycle personal lawsuits in order to dispel them:

Common misconception #1: In a Washington motorcycle accident lawsuit, I can get the same or better results without an attorney.

Truth: Courts do not offer any leniency to individuals who choose to represent themselves. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, insurance companies and their teams of attorneys do not sympathize with unrepresented claimants.

If you do not hire an experienced attorney for your motorcycle accident personal injury claim, you might not fully understand your legal rights or the compensation you are owed. Unrepresented individuals frequently accept settlements well below the value of their claims, not knowing (i) that they are making a bad deal that might not fully cover their injuries and losses, and (ii) that the settlement precludes them from seeking additional compensation at a later date.

Common misconception #2: An attorney who is familiar with motorcycle accident laws in Issaquah is too expensive.

Truth: While legal fees for qualified representation can be high, they are invaluable in your fight for just compensation. Like many Issaquah personal injury law firms, Dean Standish Perkins & Associates operates on a contingency fee basis, which means that you pay nothing unless we win your case. The fact of the matter is that most personal injury attorneys charge just about the same rate in contingency fee cases, so you might as well choose someone who has a record of success in Issaquah motorcycle accident settlements and litigation.

Common misconception #3: If the accident was not my fault, the other driver’s insurance carrier must compensate me for all of my losses.

Truth: Just because another driver was at fault does not mean either (i) that their insurance company is required to pay up, or (ii) that they will pay the full amount to which you feel you are entitled. Insurance companies often fight motorcycle injury claims for a variety of valid and invalid reasons, and they are not required to settle if they do not feel that a settlement is justified under the circumstances involved in the accident. In addition, the other driver’s policy may only cover certain elements of your claim; and, in cases involving severe injuries, policy limits may prevent you from receiving the total value of your claim.

Common misconception #4: Motorcycle drivers are aggressive and dangerous, and cause accidents.

Truth: The motorcycle is becoming an increasingly popular form of transportation among drivers from all walks of life. Many motorcycle riders are safe and cautious drivers, and accidents involving motorcycles are frequently caused by a car driver’s failure to exercise an appropriate level of care. Just because an accident involves a motorcycle does not mean that the rider was at fault in causing the accident.

For More Information About Motorcycle Accident Personal Injury Claims

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Washington motorcycle accident, it is important to contact an experienced Issaquah personal injury attorney right away. At Dean Standish Perkins & Associates, we are passionate about fighting for the interests of motorcycle riders, and we can help you win the compensation you deserve. To schedule your free consultation, please contact us today.