Which pedestrians are the most susceptible to car accidents?

On Behalf of | Mar 16, 2024 | Pedestrian Accidents

Roadways are meant to be shared by pedestrians and vehicles alike. However, pedestrians are especially vulnerable in the event of a collision.

Car accidents involving pedestrians are, unfortunately, all too common. Understanding which pedestrians are most susceptible to car accidents can help road users stay safer. To this end, it can help to explore what influences pedestrian safety, from age demographics to environmental influences.

Heightened vulnerability: Who to look out for

Several factors can increase a pedestrian’s risk of being involved in a car accident. However, some demographics are more at risk than others. To begin with, young children, typically 14 and under, are more prone to accidents due to their smaller stature, limited understanding of traffic rules and tendency for impulsive actions. Their shorter height makes them harder for drivers to see, and they may not grasp the dangers of oncoming traffic.

Additionally, as people age, their reflexes slow down and vision may deteriorate. For this reason, older adults (aged 65+) can be more susceptible to confusion or disorientation, especially those with certain medical conditions. This can make it challenging for them to judge traffic flow and react quickly.

Beyond age

Pedestrians in low-visibility conditions are also more susceptible to being hit by a vehicle. Walking at night or during bad weather drastically reduces visibility for both drivers and pedestrians. Wearing reflective clothing and using flashlights can significantly improve safety in low-light situations.

Additionally, busy streets with complex intersections and multiple lanes can be overwhelming for pedestrians, especially children and older adults. Distracted walking, such as using headphones or phones, further increases risk in these areas.

Keeping the roads safe

By recognizing these vulnerabilities, both drivers and pedestrians can take steps to help prevent accidents. For instance, drivers should be extra cautious in areas where children or older adults are likely to be present, such as:

  • School zones
  • Residential areas
  • Crosswalks

Drivers can minimize pedestrian accidents by slowing down, eliminating distractions and yielding to pedestrians whenever necessary.

That said, pedestrians should make an effort to always use designated crosswalks and adhere to traffic signals. Maintaining awareness of one’s surroundings, avoiding distractions like phones and making eye contact with drivers before crossing can make a world of difference. With that said, pedestrians who get involved in car accidents due to drivers’ reckless behavior can consider working with a reliable legal team to pursue compensation for their injuries. Because, unfortunately, even the most safety-conscious pedestrians can find themselves hurt through no fault of their own.


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